Healing hands therapy
Balcones Dr
Austin, TX 78731
Phone Number: (+17) 221-6685
Mobile Number: (+17) 372-2166
Healing Hands is the hands who going to heal any issues in your body !
Hello ! I’m independent LMT , reiki master , I specialize in body work ! If you’re looking to heal your body and mind you’re at the right place !
Keywords: Body work , massage therapy , massage , wellness
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Interview Q&A
How long have you been in business?
8+ years
What is your primary product or service?
Body work , massage
How did you first become interested in your line of business? (if owner) - What is your background? (If owner or store manager)
I first started witu reiki and got in love helping to heal people!
How do you differentiate yourself from other businesses in your category and area?
Spiritually and gifted
How many locations do you have and do you have plans to expand?
What type of payments do you accept?
Cash , Venmo , zelle
Which areas do you service?
North central
Who owns your company or runs daily operations?
What are your hours of operation?
M to F from 9am to 5pm
What is the best compliment anyone can give you?
I have great hands and energy
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